

Loads a preset from a file


vst3presetload loads a preset from a file. A preset consists of a component (instrument or effect) identifier, the value of each parameter in the preset, and possibly other data such as a program list.


vst3presetload i_handle, S_preset_filepath


  • i_handle: the handle that identifies the plugin, obtained from vst3init.

  • S_preset_filepath the full pathname of the preset file. Remember to use '/' instead of '\' as the path separator.


Execution Time

  • Init



sr      = 48000
ksmps   = 100
nchnls  = 2
0dbfs   = 20

connect "JX10_Output", "outleft", "Master_Output", "inleft"
connect "JX10_Output", "outright", "Master_Output", "inright"
connect "Piano_Output", "outleft", "Master_Output", "inleft"
connect "Piano_Output", "outright", "Master_Output", "inright"

alwayson "JX10_Output"
alwayson "Piano_Output"
alwayson "Master_Output"

gi_vst3_handle_jx10 vst3init "mda-vst3.vst3", "mda JX10", 1
vst3info gi_vst3_handle_jx10

gi_vst3_handle_piano vst3init "mda-vst3.vst3", "mda Piano", 1
vst3info gi_vst3_handle_piano

// Array of instrument plugins indexed by instrument number, for sending
// parameter changes.

gi_plugins[] init 5
gi_plugins[3] init gi_vst3_handle_piano
gi_plugins[4] init gi_vst3_handle_jx10

// Score generating instrument.

gi_iterations init 500
gi_duration init 2
gi_time_step init .125
gi_loudness init 70
instr Score_Generator
i_time = p2
i_instrument = p4
i_c = p5
i_y = p6
i_bass = p7
i_range = p8
i_time_step = 1 / 8
i_iteration = 0
while i_iteration < gi_iterations do
    i_iteration = i_iteration + 1
    i_time = p2 + (i_iteration * gi_time_step)
    // Normalized logistic equation:
    i_y1 = i_c * i_y * (1 - i_y) * 4
    i_y = i_y1
    i_pitch = floor(i_bass + (i_y * i_range))
    event_i "i", i_instrument, i_time, gi_duration, i_pitch, gi_loudness
    prints "   %f => i %f %f %f %f %f\n", i_y, i_instrument, i_time, gi_duration, i_pitch, gi_loudness
prints "%-24.24s i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f #%3d\n", nstrstr(p1), p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7, active(p1)

instr Param_Change
i_target_plugin = p4
i_vst3_plugin init gi_plugins[p4]
k_parameter_id init p5
k_parameter_value init p6
vst3paramset i_vst3_plugin, k_parameter_id, k_parameter_value
prints "%-24.24s i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f target: %3d  id: %3d  value: %9.4f #%3d\n", nstrstr(p1), p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, active(p1)

instr Piano
i_note_id vst3note gi_vst3_handle_piano, 0, p4, p5, p3
prints "%-24.24s i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f #%3d\n", nstrstr(p1), p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7, active(p1)

instr JX10
i_note_id vst3note gi_vst3_handle_jx10, 0, p4, p5, p3
prints "%-24.24s i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f #%3d\n", nstrstr(p1), p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7, active(p1)

instr Piano_Output
a_out_left, a_out_right vst3audio gi_vst3_handle_piano
outleta "outleft", a_out_left
outleta "outright", a_out_right
prints "%-24.24s i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f #%3d\n", nstrstr(p1), p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7, active(p1)

instr JX10_Output
a_out_left, a_out_right vst3audio gi_vst3_handle_jx10
outleta "outleft", a_out_left
outleta "outright", a_out_right
prints "%-24.24s i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f #%3d\n", nstrstr(p1), p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7, active(p1)

instr Print_Info
i_target_plugin = p4
i_vst3_plugin init gi_plugins[p4]
vst3info i_vst3_plugin
prints "%-24.24s i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f #%3d\n", nstrstr(p1), p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7, active(p1)

instr Save_Preset
i_target_plugin = p4
S_preset_name init p5
i_vst3_plugin init gi_plugins[p4]
vst3presetsave i_vst3_plugin, S_preset_name
prints "%-24.24s i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f target: %3d  preset: %s #%3d\n", nstrstr(p1), p1, p2, p3, i_target_plugin, S_preset_name, active(p1)

instr Load_Preset
i_target_plugin = p4
S_preset_name init p5
i_vst3_plugin init gi_plugins[p4]
vst3presetload i_vst3_plugin, S_preset_name
prints "%-24.24s i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f target: %3d  preset: %s #%3d\n", nstrstr(p1), p1, p2, p3, i_target_plugin, S_preset_name, active(p1)

instr Program_Change
i_target_plugin = p4
i_vst3_plugin init gi_plugins[p4]
p6 = 1886548852
k_parameter_id init p5
k_parameter_value init p6
vst3paramset i_vst3_plugin, k_parameter_id, k_parameter_value
prints "%-24.24s i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f target: %3d  id: %3d  value: %9.4f #%3d\n", nstrstr(p1), p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, active(p1)

instr Master_Output
a_in_left inleta "inleft"
a_in_right inleta "inright"
outs a_in_left, a_in_right
prints "%-24.24s i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f #%3d\n", nstrstr(p1), p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7, active(p1)

f 0 72
i "Score_Generator" 1 1 3 .989 .5 36 60
i "Score_Generator" 2 1 4 .989 .5 78 6
; Stores original filter state...
i "Save_Preset" 1 1 4 "jx10.preset"
; Changes filter state...
i "Param_Change" 10 1 4 6 .1
i "Print_Info" 10.5 1 4
; Restores original filter state.
i "Load_Preset" 12 1 4 "jx10.preset"
i "Program_Change" 15 1 4 0 .5
i "Print_Info" 12.5 1 4


See also


Michael Gogins, http://michaelgogins.tumblr.com, michael dot gogins at gmail dot com