Get a value from a hashtable
A hashtable is a mapping from a key to a value. The dict_
family of opcodes
implement a hashtable mapping either strings or integers to strings or floats.
returns the value for a given key. If the key is not present, a default
value is returned (the empty string for string values, or an user given default
for number values)
kvalue dict_get idict, Skey, idefault=0
ivalue dict_get idict, Skey, idefault=0
kvalue dict_get idict, kkey, idefault=0
ivalue dict_get idict, ikey, idefault=0
Svalue dict_get idict, Skey
Svalue dict_geti idict, Skey ; (init time version)
Svalue dict_get idict, kkey
The type of key and value depend on the type definition of the dict
, see dict_new
In the case of a dict of type "str:str", dict_get returns an empty string if the key is not found
: the handle of the dict, as returned bydict_new
: the key to be queries, as previously set by dict_setidefault
: if the key is not present, this value is returned (defaults to 0)
: the value corresponding to the key, or a default if the key is not found -
For dicts with a string value, an empty string is returned when the key is not found.
- For dicts with a numeric value, a user given default is returned (default=0)
Execution Time
- Init
- Performance
executes at i-time and k-time depending on the output value. In the case of
a dict of type "str:str" dict_get
runs at k-time. Use dict_geti
for an init time version
; -odac -iadc ;;;RT audio out and in
sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
instr 1
; create a local dict, mapping strings to numbers
idict dict_new "sf"
; set key a key:value pair
dict_set idict, "bar", 123
; retrieve the value
kbar dict_get idict, "bar"
; get a non-existent key, will output the default
kfoo dict_get idict, "foo", -1
printf ">>>> bar: %f, foo: %f \n", 1, kbar, kfoo
; now create another dict, this one will outlive this note
idict2 dict_new "ss", 1, "baz", "bazvalue", "foo", "foovalue"
; schedule another inst, pass this dict
event "i", 2, 0, 1, idict2
instr 2
idict = p4
Sbaz = dict_get(idict, "baz")
printf "instr 2, kbaz = %s \n", 1, Sbaz
; free dict at the end of this note
dict_free idict, 1
; schedule 1, 0, 1
i 1 0 2
# Example file for dict_get
## dict_get
kvalue dict_get idict, "key" [, kdefault=0]
Get the value at a given key. For string values, an empty string
is returned when the key is not found. For int values, a default
value given by the user is returned when the key is not found.
ksmps = 64
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
instr 1
; create a local dict, mapping strings to numbers
idict dict_new "sf"
dict_free idict
; set key a key:value pair
dict_set idict, "bar", 123
; retrieve teh value
kbar dict_get idict, "bar"
; get a non-existent key, will output the default
kfoo dict_get idict, "foo", -1
printf ">>>> bar: %f, foo: %f \n", 1, kbar, kfoo
; now create another dict, mapping strings to strings
idict2 dict_new "ss"
dict_set idict2, "baz", "bazvalue"
dict_set idict2, "hoo", "hoovalue"
Sbaz dict_get idict2, "baz"
Shoo dict_get idict2, "hoo"
printf ">>>> baz: %s, hoo: %s \n", 1, Sbaz, Shoo
instr 2
;; set and get
if timeinstk() > 1 kgoto perf ;; this starts at 1
imaxcnt = 100
idict dict_new "ss"
kcnt = 0
while kcnt < imaxcnt do
Skey sprintfk "key_%d", kcnt
Svalue sprintfk "value_%d", kcnt
dict_set idict, Skey, Svalue
kcnt += 1
kcnt = 0
while kcnt < imaxcnt do
Skey sprintfk "key_%d", kcnt
; the same for get, the key can change at k-time
Svalue dict_get idict, Skey
printf "key: %s, value: %s \n", kcnt, Skey, Svalue
kcnt += 1
instr 3
xkey, xvalue, kidx dict_iter ihandle [,kreset=1]
kidx: holds the number of pairs yielded since last reset. It
is set to -1 when iteration has stopped
(in this case, xkey and xvalue are invalid and should not
be used)
kreset = 0 -> after iterating over all pairs iteration stops
In this mode, iteration happens at most once
1 -> iteration starts over every k-cycle
2 -> iteration restarts after stopping
kt timeinstk
if kt > 1 kgoto perf
idict dict_new "sf"
dict_set idict, "foo", 1
dict_set idict, "bar", 2
dict_set idict, "baz", 15
dict_set idict, "bee", 9
; iterate with a while loop
kidx = 0
while kidx < dict_size(idict) - 1 do
Skey, kvalue, kidx dict_iter idict
printf "while) %s -> %f \n", kidx+kt*1000, Skey, kvalue
; the same but with goto
Skey, kvalue, kidx dict_iter idict
if kidx == -1 goto break
printf "loop) %s -> %f \n", kidx+kt*1000, Skey, kvalue
kgoto loop
instr 4
; test deleting a key
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
idict dict_new "ss"
; set a key:value pair
dict_set idict, "foo", "foovalue"
; get the value, print it
Sfoo dict_get idict, "foo"
printf "key: foo value: %s \n", 1, Sfoo
; dict_set without value deletes the key:value pair
dict_set idict, "foo"
; now check that the pair is gone
Sfoo dict_get idict, "foo"
if(strlen(Sfoo)==0) then
printf "key does not exist \n", 1
instr 5
; dicts can be passed between instruments
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if timeinstk() > 1 goto perf
; create a dict which survives this note
idict1 dict_new "sf", 1
; set some initial values once
dict_set idict1, "foo", 1
dict_set idict1, "bar", 2
; launch instr 6, which will outlive this note, pass idict as p4
event "i", "midifydict", 0, p3+1, idict1
kfoo dict_get idict1, "foo"
printk2 kfoo
instr modifydict
; here we modify instr 5's dictionary
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; the dict was created by instr 5
idict = p4
kfoo line 0, p3-1, 10
dict_set idict, "foo", kfoo
dict_free idict, 1 ; 1 = free dict when note ends
instr 7
; it is possible to create a new dict and set initial
; values at once. This is only executed at i-time
idict dict_new "sf", 0, "foo", 10, "bar", 20, "baz", 30
kbaz dict_get idict, "baz"
kbar dict_get idict, "bar"
kxx dict_get idict, "xx", 99
printf "baz: %f bar: %f xx: %f \n", 1, kbaz, kbar, kxx
instr 8
; get all the keys as an array
idict1 dict_new "sf", 0, "keyA", 1, "keyB", 2, "keyC", 3
SKeys[] dict_query idict1, "keys"
printarray SKeys
idict2 dict_new "if", 0, 1,100, 10,1000, 2,200
kKeys[] dict_query idict2, "keys"
printarray kKeys, 1, "%.0f"
; get values as an array
idict3 dict_new "is", 0, 10, "foo", 20, "bar", 30, "baz"
Svals[] dict_query idict3, "values"
printarray Svals
kVals[] dict_query idict2, "values"
printarray kVals
; One convenient use of dicts is to pass arguments to an instr
instr 100
; create our communication dict, set initial values
idict dict_new "sf", "amp", 0.1, "freq", 1000
; the launched instr will last longer, so will have to deal with
; this dict ceasing to exist
event_i "i", 101, 0, p3+1, idict
; now we can control the synth with the dict
dict_set idict, "freq", linseg:k(440, p3, 455)
a0 oscili 0.1, 440
outch 1, a0
; a variation on dict_get where we either get the value corresponding to a key,
; or the last value, if the dict does not exist
opcode dict_receive, k,iSi
idict, Skey, ival0 xin
klast init ival0
if (dict_size(idict) > 0 ) then
kval dict_get idict, Skey, ival0
klast = kval
kval = klast
xout kval
instr 101
idict = p4
; get the value for a given key. when the dict does not exist, just
; outputs the last value
kamp dict_receive idict, "amp", 0.1
kfreq dict_receive idict, "freq", 1000
a0 oscili kamp, kfreq
outch 2, a0
instr 200
idict dict_new "str:any", "foo", "fooval", "bar", 10
dict_print idict
Sfoo dict_get idict, "foo"
kbar dict_get idict, "bar"
printf "foo=%s, bar=%f \n", 1, Sfoo, kbar
dict_set idict, "baz", 0.5
ibaz dict_get idict, "baz"
Smoo = "moo!"
dict_set idict, "moo", Smoo
printf "baz=%f, moo=%s \n", 1, ibaz, Smoo
; i 1 0 0.01
; i 2 0 0.01
; i 8 0 0.1
; i 100 0 10
i 200 0 1
f 0 1
See also
Eduardo Moguillansky, 2019