

poly0 creates and controls multiple parallel version of an opcode with no outputs


poly0 creates a user given number of instances of an opcode, each with its own state, inputs and outputs. The resulting output is an array where each element holds the output of the corresponding instance.

In general, an opcode has a signature, given by the number and types of its output and input arguments. For example, the opcode oscili as used like aout oscili kamp, kfreq has a signature a / kk (a as output, kk as input).

To follow this example, to create 10 parallel versions of this opcode (an oscillator bank) it is possible to use poly0 like this:

kFreqs[] fillarray 100, 110, 200, 220, 300, 330, 400, 440, 500, 550
iPans[]   fillarray 0,   1,   0,   1,   0.5, 0.3, 0.7, 0.2, 0.9, 0.8
aSigs[] poly 10, "oscili", 0.1, kFreqs
aLs[], aRs[] poly 10, "pan2", aSigs, iPans
poly0 10, "outch", 1, aLs
poly0 10, "outch", 2, aRs

Notice that it is possible to set one value for each instance, as given by kFreqs, or one value to be shared by all instances, as given by the amplitude 0.1. By changing the array kFreqs it is possible to modify the frequency of each oscillator.

It is of course possible to chain multiple poly0s to generate complex effect chains, and poly0 can also be used with k-values.


At the moment poly0 works only with builtin opcodes. This might change in the future


poly0 inuminstances, Sopcode, xarg0, [xarg1, ...]


  • inuminstances: the number of instances of Sopcode to instantiate
  • Sopcode: the name of the opcode
  • xargs: any number of arguments, either i-, k- or a-rate, either scalar or arrays, or strings, as needed by the given opcode. String arrays are not yet supported

The number and type of the input arguments depend on the arguments passed to the given opcode. The same applies for the output arguments

NB: output arguments are always arrays, input arguments can be arrays, in which case they must be at least the size of inuminstances, or scalars, in which case the same value is shared by multiple instances


See poly for examples

See also


Eduardo Moguillansky, 2019