

Create a hashtable


A hashtable is a mapping from a key to a value. The dict_ family of opcodes implement a hashtable mapping either strings or integers to strings or floats.

A hashtable, similar to a table, is always global, even if it is assigned to a local variable. A dict is kept alive until either the end of the performance, or until freed via dict_free


idict dict_new Stype, icapacity=-1
idict dict_new Stype, key0, value0, key1, value1, ...

kdict dict_new Stype, key0, value0, key1, value1, ...


With the second variant it is possible to create a dict and give it initial values at the same time.


  • Stype: the type of the dictionary, see below
  • icapacity: the initial capacity of the dictionary (how much it can grow without needing to reallocate memory). If not given a sensible default is used. Dictionaries can grow as they are filled, but since this requires memory allocation, it can be unsafe during performance
  • key0, value0, ...: initial key:value pairs


The types of a dict are fixed at creation time and are specified via the Stype argument.

type short key value
str:float sf string float
str:str ss string string
int:float if int float
int:str is int string
str:any sa string any (float or string

The "any type

A dict of the form str:any accepts strings as keys and can have both strings and numbers as values. This can be used to pass arguments to an instrument like

    iargs dict_new "str:any", "name", "foo", "freq", 1000, "amp", 0.5
    schedule "myinstr", 0, -1, iargs

    ; then, inside myinstr
    instr myinstr
      iargs = p4
      Sname dict_get iargs, "name"
      kfreq dict_get iargs, "freq"
      kamp  dict_get iargs, "amp"
      ; ... do something with this
      dict_free iargs


  • Stype: a string describing the type of the key and the value. See the table above.
  • keyx, valuex**: initial pairs can be set at creation time, matching the types declared with Stype


  • idict: identifies this dict with an integer. This integer can be passed around to another instrument and will always resolve to the same dict, as long as this dict is still alive. This can be checked via iexists dict_exists idict (dict_exists

Execution Time

  • Init (the normal case)
  • Performance (use this form when using dicts for passing named arguments to an event created at k-time)


; -odac  -iadc    ;;;RT audio out and in


sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2

instr 1
  ; a dict mapping strings to floats
  idict dict_new "sf"

  ; free the dict at the end of this note
  dict_free idict

  ; set key a key:value pair
  dict_set idict, "bar", 123

  ; retrieve the value
  kbar dict_get idict, "bar"

  ; get a non-existent key, will output the default
  kfoo dict_get idict, "foo", -1

  printf ">>>> bar: %f,  foo: %f \n", 1, kbar, kfoo

  ; now create another dict to be passed to another instr
  idict2 dict_new "str:str", "baz", "bazvalue", "foo", "foovalue"

  ; schedule another inst, pass this dict
  event "i", 2, 0, 1, idict2



instr 2
  idict = p4
  Sbaz = dict_get(idict, "baz")
  printf "instr 2, kbaz = %s \n", 1, Sbaz

  ; free dict at the end of this note
  dict_free idict, 1

; schedule 1, 0, 1


i 1 0 2


See also


Eduardo Moguillansky, 2019