

A triggerable ramp between 0 and 1


ramptrig is a phasor between 0 and 1, with the difference that it stops after reaching its end point. Whenever it is triggered it rewinds to 0 and starts ramping to 1 in the given duration.

A trigger detected whenever the value is possitive and higher than the previous value.

Usage as envelope generator

Together with bpf this can be used to emulate supercollider's Env and EnvGen, where ramptrig is used as a triggerable phasor, passed as an argument to bpf, which generates the envelope. See examples


kout ramptrig ktrig, kdur, kvaluepost=1, kvaluepre=0
aout ramptrig ktrig, kdir, kvaluepost=1
kout, kfinished ramptrig ktrig, kdur, kvaluepost=1, kvaluepre=0


  • ktrig: whenever this is possitive and higher than last value, kout is rewinded to 0
  • kdur: the duration of the ramp
  • ivaluepost: value when ramp reaches its end (default=1)
  • ivaluepre: value previous to any trigger (default=0)


  • kout: value of the ramp, between 0 and 1. It can also be ivaluepost or ivaluepre if these are set to any other value than the default
  • kfinished: will be one whenever the ramp reaches its end value.

Execution Time

  • Performance




; This is the example file of ramptrig
; ramptrig is a triggerable ramp from 0 to 1
; xout ramptrig xtrig, kdur

sr = 44100
ksmps  = 64
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

; Use Case #1: An envelope which can be retriggered
instr 1
    ; Duration of envelope
    kdur = 4
    ; This is the gate, could be any irregular signal, midi, osc, etc.    
    ktrig metro 0.5
    ; Whenever ktrig is possitive and higher than previous value, 
    ; kx ramps from 0 to 1 in kdur seconds
    kx ramptrig ktrig, kdur
    ; actual envelope
    kenv bpf kx*kdur, 0, 0, 0.02, 1, kdur, 0
    asig oscili 0.2, 1000
    ; asig pinker
    asig *= interp(kenv)
    outs asig, asig

; Use Case #2: Use finished trigger to signal something
instr 2
    ktrig metro 1/4
    ktrig delayk ktrig, 0.5
    idur = 2
    kphase, kfinished1 ramptrig ktrig, 2
    printf "finished! \n", kfinished1
    kenv bpf kphase * idur, 0, 0, 0.5, 1, 0.8, 0.5, 1, 1, idur, 0
    asig = pinker() * interp(kenv)
    outs asig, asig



i1 0 10
; i2 0 12
; i3 0 20
; f0 3600


See also


Eduardo Moguillansky, 2019