

Set metadata parameters of a table, as if it was loaded via GEN1


ftsetparams can be used to set the parameters set via when reading a table via GEN1 (samplerate, number of channels, looping, etc). This are necessary by some opcodes (loscil, for example) to play correctly. Together with ftslice it can be used to extract a channel of a multichannel table preserving the table metadata.


ftsetparams ift, isamplerate, inumchannels, iloopstart=0, ibasenote=60


  • ift: the table number to modify
  • isamplerate: the sample rate of the data saved in the table
  • inumchannels: the number of channels of the audio sample
  • iloopstart: if this is a loop, start of the sustain part
  • ibasenote: pitch of the sample, as midinote


Execution Time

  • Init



sr = 44100
ksmps = 64
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

gifunc0 ftgen 0, 0, 0, -1, "musicbox.flac", 0, 0, 0

gi1 ftgen 0, 0, nsamp(gifunc0), 2, 0
ftslicei gifunc0, gi1, 0, 0, 2
ftsetparams gi1, ftsr:i(gifunc0), 1

gi2 ftgen 0, 0, nsamp(gifunc0), 2, 0
ftslicei gifunc0, gi2, 1, 0, 2
ftsetparams gi2, ftsr:i(gifunc0), 1

instr 1
    a0, a1 loscil 1, 1, gifunc0, 1
    outch 1, a0, 2, a1

instr 2
    a0 loscil 1, 1, gi1, 1
    a1 loscil 1, 1, gi2, 1
    outch 1, a0, 2, a1

; schedule(1, 0, -1)
schedule(2, 0, -1)


See also


Eduardo Moguillansky, 2020