

Modify pfield values of an active instrument instance


pwrite can be used to modify the value of a pfield of a running instance (possibly a fractional instrument number).

Dynamic pfields

In order for pwrite to have any effect, the instrument in question should have an assignment of the sort kfreq = p5.


A matching instance is searched at performance time, so that its behaviour can be controlled via if or timout statements.

If no active instance is found, search is retried until a matching instance is found. To avoid retrying, set instrnum to a negative value.

If the instance ceases to exist during another instrument is modifying its pfield values, nothing happens. pwrite notices that the instance is not active anymore and becomes a NOOP.

Exact instance vs Broadcasting

If instrnum is a fractional instrument number, pwrite will only affect the first instance matching this exact number.

If instrnum is set to an integer number, pwrite will broadcast the changes to ALL instruments with the same integer number.


Setting a value of a pfield out of range will result in a performance error.


pwrite instrnum:i, index:i|k, value:i|k, [index2, value2, ...]


  • instrnum (init only): the (fractional) instrument number to modify
  • index (i-, k-): the index of the pfield to modify. If kindex is 4, then p4 will be modified
  • value (i-, k-): the new value of the given pfield


Multiple index:value pairs can be modified simultaneously

Execution Time

  • Init (if index and value are i-values)
  • Performance (if any index or value are k-variables)





sr = 44100
ksmps = 64
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

instr exit

;; Example 1. instr 2 creates and controls instr 1

instr 1
  pset 0, 0, 0, 40, 50
  kt timeinsts
  k4 = p4
  k5 = p5
  printf "time: %.4f\tinstance: %.3f\tp4: %f\tp5: %f \n", metro(20), kt, p1, k4, k5

instr 2
  kval line 0, p3, 1
  pwrite 1.01, 4, kval
  pwrite 1.02, 5, kval*2

instr example1
  schedule 1.01, 0, 4, -1
  schedule 1.02, 0, 4, -1
  schedule 2,    1, 1
  schedule "exit", 4, -1

; Example 2, one instrument modulates another

instr ex2_generator
  pset p1, p2, p3, 0.5, 1000, 4000, 0.1
  kamp       = p4
  kfreq      = p5
  kcutoff    = p6
  kresonance = p7
  asaw vco2, kamp, kfreq
  aout moogladder2, asaw, kcutoff, kresonance
  aout *= linsegr(0, 0.1, 1, 0.1, 0)
  outs aout, aout  

instr ex2_control
  iglissdur = p4
  inum = nstrnum("ex2_generator")
  inum1 = inum + 0.001
  inum2 = inum + 0.002
  kfreq1 linseg ntof("4A"), iglissdur, ntof("3A")
  kfreq2 linseg ntof("4F"), iglissdur, ntof("3F")
  ;                      amp
  schedule inum1, 0, p3, 0.2 
  schedule inum2, 0, p3, 0.2
  pwrite inum1, 5, kfreq1
  pwrite inum2, 5, kfreq2

instr ex2_broadcast
  printf "filter start\n", 1
  inum = nstrnum("ex2_generator")
  kcutoff    linseg 4000, p3, 400
  kresonance linseg 0.1, p3*0.5, 0.8
  pwrite inum, 6, kcutoff, 7, kresonance

instr example2
  schedule "ex2_control", 0, 8, 4
  schedule "ex2_broadcast", 4, 4
  schedule "exit", 8.5, -1

;; Uncomment as needed

; schedule "example1", 0, 1
schedule "example2", 0, 1



See also


Eduardo Moguillansky, 2019