Band-Enhanced Oscillator
Band-Enhanced oscillator, a port of Loris' oscillator (based on Supercollider's BEOsc). The band-enhanced family of opcodes (beosc, beadsynt) implement sound modelling and synthesis that preserves the elegance and malleability of a sinusoidal model, while accommodating sounds with noisy (non-sinusoidal) components. Analysis is done offline, with an enhanced McAulay-Quatieri (MQ) style analysis that extracts bandwidth information in addition to the sinusoidal parameters for each partial. To produce noisy components, we synthesise with sine wave oscillators that have been modified to allow the introduction of variable bandwidth.
aout beosc xfreq, kbw, ifn=-1, iphs=0, inoisetype=1
- xfreq: The frequency of the oscillator (k or a rate)
- kbw: The bandwidth ("noisyness") of the oscillator
- ifn: A table holding the waveform of the oscillator (default=-1, the builtin sine waveform)
- iphs: The phase of the sine (default=0)
- inoisetype: 0: uniform, 1: Gaussian (default=1)
- aout: The generated sound
Execution Time
- Performance
sr = 44100
ksmps = 64
nchnls = 1
0dbfs = 1
instr 1
idur1 = 8
ifreq = 440
kfreq linseg ifreq, idur1, ifreq, idur1, ifreq*4, idur1, ifreq
kbw cosseg 0, idur1, 1, idur1, 1, idur1, 0
; freq bw fn phs noisetype(0=uniform)
aout beosc kfreq, kbw, -1, unirand:i(6.28), 0
aenv linsegr 0, 0.1, 1, 0.1, 1, 0.1, 0
aout *= (aenv * 0.2)
outch 1, aout
i 1 0 32
See also
Eduardo Moguillansky, 2019