Weighted sum of multiple 1D arrays, or the rows of a 2D array
Given a 2D array, weightedsum
takes an array of factors (the weights),
one for each row, and multiplies each element in a row by its factor adding
all 1D arrays together to produce a weighted sum of such arrays. If the
2D array has a shape (numrows, numcolumns)
then the weights array
should be a 1D array of size numrows
and the output array is also
a 1D array of size numcolumns
In the following example weightedsum
performs an average between the 2nd
and the 4th row, effectively a vowel sound halfway between E and O
Notice that the absolute value of the weights is not really important, since these
are relative weights. The same result would be achieved with kweights[] fillarray 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5,0
iformantFreqs[] fillarray 800, 1150, 2900, 3900, 4950, \ ; A
350, 2000, 2800, 3600, 4950, \ ; E
270, 2140, 2950, 3900, 4950, \ ; I
450, 800, 2830, 3800, 4950, \ ; O
325, 700, 2700, 3800, 4950 ; U
reshapearray iformantFreqs, 5, 5
kweights[] fillarray 0, 1, 0, 1, 0
kformants[] weightedsum iformantFreqs, kweights
-> [400, 1400, 2815, 3700, 4950]
kout[] weightedsum kmatrix[], kweights[]
kout[] weightedsum imatrix[], kweights[]
- kmatrix / imatrix: a 2D array. Each element in a row will be multiplied by the row's
weight (given in
) and all rows will be summed together - kweights: the weight of each row of
(normally a value between 0-1). This should be a 1D array with a size equal to the number of rows inkmatrix
- kout: a 1D array of size
with the weighted sum of the input array weighted by the given weights.
See Also
sr = 44100
ksmps = 64
nchnls = 4
0dbfs = 1
giformantFreqs[] fillarray 800, 1150, 2900, 3900, 4950, \ ; A
350, 2000, 2800, 3600, 4950, \ ; E
270, 2140, 2950, 3900, 4950, \ ; I
450, 800, 2830, 3800, 4950, \ ; O
325, 700, 2700, 3800, 4950 ; U
giformantDbs[] fillarray 0, -6, -32, -20, -50, \
0, -20, -15, -40, -56, \
0, -12, -26, -26, -44, \
0, -11, -22, -22, -50, \
0, -16, -35, -40, -60
giformantBws[] fillarray 80, 90, 120, 130, 140, \
60, 100, 120, 150, 200, \
60, 90, 100, 120, 120, \
40, 80, 100, 120, 120, \
50, 60, 170, 180, 200
giformantAmps[] maparray giformantDbs, "ampdb"
reshapearray giformantFreqs, 5, 5
reshapearray giformantAmps, 5, 5
reshapearray giformantBws, 5, 5
instr 10
kmidi = p4
kamp = p5
kx = p6
ky = p7
kmidi = lag:k(kmidi, 0.3)
kvibfreq linseg 0, 0.3, 0, 2.5, 4.5
ivibsemi = 0.1
kvib oscil ivibsemi/2, kvibfreq
kvib -= ivibsemi / 2
kpitch = kmidi + kvib
kfreq = lag(mtof(kpitch), 0.2)
; asource = mpulse:a(kamp*10, 1/kfreq)
asource vco2 kamp, kfreq
asource = butterlp:a(asource, 4000)
; x y weight
kcoords[] fillarray 0, 0, 1, \ ; A
0.5, 0.5, 0.4, \ ; E
1, 0, 1, \ ; I
0, 1, 1, \ ; O
1, 1, 1 ; U
kweights[] init 5
kformantFreqs[] init 5
kformantBws[] init 5
kformantAmps[] init 5
if changed:k(kx, ky) == 1 then
kweights presetinterpw kx, ky, kcoords, 0.25
printarray kweights
kformantFreqs weightedsum giformantFreqs, kweights
kformantBws weightedsum giformantBws, kweights
kformantAmps weightedsum giformantAmps, kweights
kformantFreqs poly 5, "lag", kformantFreqs, 0.1
kformantAmps poly 5, "lag", kformantAmps, 0.1
aformants[] poly 5, "resonx", asource, kformantFreqs, kformantBws, 2, 2
; aformants[] poly 5, "butterbp", asource, kformantFreqs, kformantBws
aformants *= kformantAmps
asum sumarray aformants
asum *= a(kamp)
asum *= linsegr(0, 0.1, 1, 0.1, 0)
; asum *= 0.1
; dispfft asum, 0.05, 4096
dispfft asource, 0.05, 4096
outch 1, asum, 3, asource
instr 20
ip1 = p4
kt = timeinsts()
kmidi bpf kt, 0, 60, 10, 60, 18, 36
kamp = 0.1
kradius linseg 0.5, 10, 0.5, 10, 0.1
kfreq = 1/10
kx = oscil:k(kradius, kfreq)+0.5
ky = oscil:k(kradius, kfreq, -1, 3.1415/4)+0.5
pwrite ip1, 4, kmidi, 5, kamp, 6, kx, 7, ky
if metro(30) == 1 then
outvalue "x", kx
outvalue "y", ky
outvalue "note", mton(round(kmidi*2)/2)
idur = 20
schedule 10.01, 0, idur, 48, 0.5, 0, 1, 0
schedule 20, 0, idur, 10.01
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