

Returns the capacity of a pool


A pool is actually a stack of numbers, based on an array. pool_capacity returns the maximum number of items which can be pushed in this pool. If the pool was created with a fixed capacity, then pushing when the pool is full will result in a performance error. To create a pool with dynamic size, use pool_new without giving a capacity (see pool_new)

The pool_ opcodes implement a stack of numbers. This is useful when assigning ids to resources, like assigning fractional numbers to instrument instances to access them individually. To get a value, call pool_pop and when finished using it the value is returned to the pool with pool_push. pool_capacity returns the capacity of the pool (the max. number of items it can hold, not the actual size, see pool_size for that)


To differenciate between the opcode being called at init- or at performance time, use the functional style pool_capacity:i(ipool) or pool_capacity:k(ipool)


icapacity pool_capacity ipool
kcapacity pool_capacity kpool


  • ipool: the pool query


  • icapacity / kcapacity: the max. number of items this pool can hold

Execution Time

  • Init
  • Performance




   Example file for pool_size

   pool_size returns the size of the pool, either at 
   init or at performance time

   The size of a pool is the number of items actually inside
   the pool (see also pool_capacity)


instr 1
  ipool pool_gen 10
  i1 pool_pop ipool
  i2 pool_pop ipool
  prints "\n<<< pool size: %d, pool capacity: %d >>> \n\n", \
         pool_size:i(ipool), pool_capacity:i(ipool)



i1 0 1


See also


Eduardo Moguillansky, 2019