Simple delay based pitch shifter inspired on faust's transpose
A simple pitch shifter based on 2 delay lines
aout transpose ain, ksemitones, kwindur=0.02, kxfade=-1
- ain: The audio signal
- ksemitones: The semitones to shift the signal, up or down
- kwindur: The duration of the window used, in seconds. The lower the sound to be transposed, the longer the duration of the window.
- kxfade: The size of the crossfade, in samples. Defaults to 1/4 of the window duration, in samples. This parameter is quite sensitive to the kind of sound used (sustained vs. percussive, voiced vs. unvoiced) so some adaptation to each case might be needed.
- aout: The transposed signal
Execution Time
- Performance
sr = 48000
ksmps = 64
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
opcode nativetranspose, a, akkp
; native implementation by J. Heintz
asig, ksemitones, kwindur, iwindow xin
imaxdelay = 2
kfreqratio = semitone(ksemitones)
iwindowtab = ftgenonce(0, 0, 4096, 20, iwindow, 1)
kphasorfreq = (1 - kfreqratio) / kwindur
aphasor1 = phasor:a(kphasorfreq)
aphasor2 = phasor:a(kphasorfreq, 0.5)
adelay1 = vdelayx(asig, aphasor1 * kwindur, imaxdelay, 4)
adelay2 = vdelayx(asig, aphasor2 * kwindur, imaxdelay, 4)
adelay1 *= tablei:a(aphasor1, iwindowtab, 1)
adelay2 *= tablei:a(aphasor2, iwindowtab, 1)
adelay1 += adelay2
xout adelay1
instr 1
kwindur = 0.02
asig = vco2(0.5, mtof:i(ntom("2G")))
; asig = oscili:a(0.8, mtof:i(ipitch))
asig = gtadsr(asig, 0.004, 0.008, 0.2, 0.3, metro(7/3))
ktime = eventtime()
kshift = bpf:k(ktime, 0, 0, 8, 12, 12, 12, 20, 0)
kxfade = kwindur * sr / 2.5
ashifted = transpose(asig, kshift, kwindur, kxfade)
ashifted2 = nativetranspose(asig, kshift, kwindur, 1)
outs ashifted, ashifted2
i1 0 25
See also
Eduardo Moguillansky, 2023
- Author: Eduardo Moguillansky
- Year: 2023
- Plugin: else
- Source: