

poly creates and controls multiple parallel version of an opcode


poly creates a user given number of instances of an opcode, each with its own state, inputs and outputs. The resulting output is an array where each element holds the output of the corresponding instance.

In general, an opcode has a signature, given by the number and types of its output and input arguments. For example, the opcode oscili as used like aout oscili kamp, kfreq has a signature a / kk (a as output, kk as input).

To follow this example, to create 10 parallel versions of this opcode (an oscillator bank) it is possible to use poly like this:

kFreqs[] fillarray 100, 110, 200, 220, 300, 330, 400, 440, 500, 550
aOut[] poly 10, "oscili", 0.1, kFreqs

Notice that it is possible to set one value for each instance, as given by kFreqs, or one value to be shared by all instances, as given by the amplitude 0.1. By changing the array kFreqs it is possible to modify the frequency of each oscillator.

It is of course possible to chain multiple polys to generate complex effect chains, and poly can also be used with k-values.


At the moment poly works only with builtin opcodes. This might change in the future


for limitations in the type system of csound, poly works with all opcodes which have at least one output. For opcodes with no outputs (like outch, for example), use poly0


xout1[], [ xout2[], ... ] poly inuminstances, Sopcode, xarg0, [xarg1, ...]


  • inuminstances: the number of instances of Sopcode to instantiate
  • Sopcode: the name of the opcode
  • xargs: any number of arguments, either i-, k- or a-rate, either scalar or arrays, or strings, as needed by the given opcode. String arrays are not yet supported

The number and type of the input arguments depend on the arguments passed to the given opcode. The same applies for the output arguments

NB: output arguments are always arrays, input arguments can be arrays, in which case they must be at least the size of inuminstances, or scalars, in which case the same value is shared by multiple instances


The output is one or more arrays of k- or a-type, corresponding to the opcode. For instance, an opcode like aout oscili 0.1, kfreq will output an array of audio channels. An opcode like pan2 will output two audio arrays.



; -odac           


sr     = 44100
ksmps  = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

; create an array of random values between 0-1
; inum: number of elements in the array
opcode rndarr, i[], i
  inum xin 
  iOut[] init inum 
  i0 = 0
  while i0 < inum do 
    iOut[i0] = unirand(1)
    i0 += 1
  xout iOut

; multiple oscillators, mixed down to mono
instr 1
  ; number of oscillators
  inum = 100

  ; fundamental
  kmidi = line(ntom:i("2G"), p3, ntom:i("1C"))
  kf0 = mtof(kmidi)

  ; each oscillator is an overtone of f0
  kRatios[] genarray_i 1, inum

  ; harmonicity over time
  kexp line 1, p3, 1.32

  ; the freq. of each oscillator
  kFreqs[] = (kRatios ^ kexp) * kf0

  ; array of random phases, to avoid synchronous start
  iPhs[] rndarr inum 

  ; generate the oscillators. 
  aOscils[] poly inum, "oscili", 1/inum, kFreqs, -1, iPhs

  amono sumarray aOscils
  amono *= linsegr:a(0, 0.05, 1, 0.05, 0)
  outs amono, amono

; poly instances stacked as a processing pipe
instr 2
  ; amount of polyphony
  inum = 30

  iFreqs[] rndarr inum 

  ; the ratios of the overtones
  kRatios[] genarray_i 1, inum

  ; a down gliss
  km0 linseg ntom:i("2C"), p3*0.8, ntom:i("1C")
  kf0 = mtof(km0)

  ; harmonicity curve
  kp linsegb 1, p3*0.8, 1.68

  ; calculate actual freqs.
  kFreqs[] = (kRatios ^ kp) * kf0

  ; lfo freqs. used for AM and panning
  kf linsegb 0.1, p3*0.62, 0.8, p3*0.8, 0.8, p3*0.96, 12, p3, 60
  kLfoFreqs[] = iFreqs * kf 

  ; multiple noise instances, amplitude modulated
  aA[]    poly inum, "noise", 0.5, 0.3
  aAmps[] poly inum, "oscili", 1, kLfoFreqs*0.6
  aA *= aAmps

  ; filter noise with bandpass 
  kQ linsegb 0.5, p3*0.5, 0.02, p3, 0.0001
  kBands[] = kFreqs * kQ
  aB[] poly inum, "resonr", aA, kFreqs, kBands

  ; panning. poly works also with k-rate and with 
  ; opcodes producing multiple outputs, like pan2
  kPanPos[] poly inum, "lfo", 0.5, kLfoFreqs
  kPanPos += 0.5  ; lfo in the range 0-1 for panning
  aL[], aR[] poly inum, "pan2", aB, kPanPos

  aleft  sumarray aL 
  aright sumarray aR

  ; compress / fade
  aref init 1 
  asig = 0.707 * (aleft + aright)
  again compress2 aref, asig, -90, -48, -24, 2.5, 0.05, 0.2, 0.05
  aleft *= again 
  aright *= again 

  again2 compress2 aref, (aleft+aright)*0.707, -90, -6, -3, 20, 0.002, 0.010, 0.02
  aenv = again2 * cossegr:a(0, 1, 1, 0.1, 0)
  outs aleft*aenv, aright*aenv

opcode test, a, k
  kfreq xin 
  aout oscili 0.1, kfreq 
  xout aout 

instr 3
  ; test udo
  kfreqs[] fillarray 440, 443 
  aA[] poly 2, "test", kfreqs 
  a0 sumarray aA
  outs a0, a0 


i 1 0 8
i 2 9 50
; i 3 0 1


See also


Eduardo Moguillansky, 2019