

Instantiates a jsfx script


jsfx_new instantiates and compiles a jsfx script (at init time). It returns a handle which can be used to modify control values and perform audio io. It is also possible to instantiate and play a script with only one opcode via jsfx.


jsfx is an audio programming language implemented pritarily as part of the DAW REAPER. It is a scriptiong language with a built-in jit compiler which translates it to machine code on the fly. It allows the user to operate at the sample level (like defining an udo with setksmps 1 but more efficient). It is around 2x to 2.5x slower than hand-coded C.

jsfx input / output

A jsfx script has a certain number of audio input / output channels, and a series of "sliders", which are parameters operating at control rate. A script can also use these sliders to send control values, which can be read in csound via jsfx_getslider See https://www.reaper.fm/sdk/js/js.php for more information about the syntax, etc.


ihandle jsfx_new Spath


  • Spath: the path to the jsfx script. Either an absolute path, a relative path to the .csd file, or a filename alone, in which case it will be searched first in the current dir and in $SSDIR, if defined.


  • ihandle: a handle to the jsfx plugin created, which allows to operate on it later, for instance to perform audio io via jsfx_play

Execution Time

  • Init




sr     = 44100
ksmps  = 64
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

;; This is the example file for the opcodes jsfx_new, jsfx_play and jsfx_setslider

gisnd ftgen 0, 0, 0, -1, "bourre-fragment-1.flac", 0, 0, 1

FLpanel "jsfx - tubeharmonics", 400, 500, 50, 50
FLcolor 150, 100, 150, 200, 100, 250

iw, ih = 300, 30
iline = ih * 2
iy, ix = ih, ih * 0.5
;                                    min max  exp
gkwhich, i0 FLslider "source",       0,    2,   0, 3,  -1, iw, ih, ix, iy
iy += iline
iv1 FLvalue "", 50, 30, 322, iy
gkeven, i1 FLslider "even harmonics",0,    1,   0, 3, iv1, iw, ih, ix, iy
iy += iline
iv2 FLvalue "", 50, 30, 322, iy
gkodd,  i2 FLslider "odd harmonics", 0,    1,   0, 3, iv2, iw, ih, ix, iy
iy += iline
iv3 FLvalue "", 50, 30, 322, iy
gkflct, i3 FLslider "fluctuation",   0,    1,   0, 3, iv3, iw, ih, ix, iy
iy += iline
iv4 FLvalue "", 50, 30, 322, iy
gkinpt, i4 FLslider "Input (dB)",  -12,  12,  0, 3, iv4, iw, ih, ix, iy
iy += iline
iv5 FLvalue "", 50, 30, 322, iy
gkout,  i5 FLslider "Output (dB)", -12,  12,  0, 3, iv5, iw, ih, ix, iy
iy += iline
FLcolor 150, 100, 150, 200, 200, 100
gkdump, i6 FLbutton "Dump variables", 1, 0, 2, iw/2, ih, ix, iy, -1 

FLsetVal_i 0, i0
FLsetVal_i 0.3, i1
FLsetVal_i 0.3, i2
FLsetVal_i 0.1, i3
FLsetVal_i 0, i4
FLsetVal_i 0, i5
FLsetVal_i 0, i6

opcode loopsamp, a, i
  ift xin
  iloopend = nsamp(ift) / sr
  asig flooper2 1, 1, 0, iloopend, 0.1, ift
  xout asig

opcode select3, a, kaaa
  kwhich, a1, a2, a3 xin
  if(kwhich < 1) then
    asig = a1*(1-kwhich) + a2*kwhich
    asig = a2*(2-kwhich) + a3*(kwhich-1)
  xout asig

instr 1
  a1 loopsamp gisnd
  a3 vco2 0.5, ntof:i("3C")
  a2 oscili 0.5, 1000
  asig select3 gkwhich, a1, a2, a3
  ihandle jsfx_new "tubeharmonics.jsfx"
  print ihandle
  jsfx_setslider ihandle, 1, gkeven, 2, gkodd, 3, gkflct, 4, gkinpt, 5, gkout
  aout jsfx_play ihandle, asig
  if gkdump == 1 then
    jsfx_dump ihandle, metro(4)
  k7 jsfx_getslider ihandle, 7
  printf "k7: %f \r", changed2(k7), k7
  outs aout, aout



i1 0.1 3600


See also


Eduardo Moguillansky, 2019

Uses the open-source implementation of the jsfx language by Pascal Gauthier et al. Based heavily on the pd external jsfx~.
