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Schedule an instrument at the end of the current instrument


atstop can be used to schedule an instrument event as the last action of a given instrument, during the process of being deallocated. This can be used to notify when the note has actually stopped, or to schedule a chain of events, free any table or dict allocated, etc. The advantage over the release opcode is that atstop is guaranteed to be run after the note has stopped, so there is no danger in deallocating resources being used by this note, there are no conflicts with release envelopes, etc. If any k-variables are passed to the scheduled instr these will reflect the changes at the end of the instr.

Release time vs deinit time

The event is not scheduled at release time (see below "Release time vs Deinit time") but at the moment the note is freed.

Release time is when the note is within its release phase, which will only happen if the note has an envelope with a release segment (like linsegr), or if it has setup extra time with xtratim. The opcode release can be used to query if the current note is being released. The instrument keeps running in release phase as long as the release part of the envelope is finished or the extra time allocated via xtratim is through.

Deinit time is the moment the note is actually being freed, so the instrument is not running anymore at this point.


atstop instrnum   [, idelay=0, idur=-1, p4, p5, ...]
atstop Sinstrname [, idelay=0, idur=-1, p4, p5, ...]


  • instrnum / Sintrname: the number or the name of the instr to be scheduled
  • idelay: the time offset after the stop time of this note to start this instrument
  • idur: the duration of the event
  • p4, p5, ...: any other p-arguments, as used with similar opcodes like schedule, event, etc. They can be any i-, k- or S- variable. The scheduled instr will access them, as p-args.

Execution Time

  • Init





  # This is the example file for the atstop opcode

  atstop schedules an instrument at the end of the note
  This might be useful to notify that a note stopped, or
  to schedule a chain of notes, etc.

  NB: the scheduled event is NOT triggered at release time,
  which might be when this note is still playing, if the note
  has some release envelope, but when the note is being deleted

  ## Syntax

    atstop Sinstrname, idelay, idur, ...
    atstop instrnum, idelay, idur, ...

  * Sinstrname / instrnum: the name or the instrument number to schedule
  * idelay: time offset to this note stop
  * idur: duration of the scheduled event (-1 = forever)


sr = 44100
ksmps = 64
0dbfs = 1
nchnls = 2

opcode myvco, a, ii
  iamp, ifreq xin
  a0 vco2 iamp, ifreq
  a0 += vco2(iamp, ifreq+2)
  a0 += vco2(iamp, ifreq / 2)
  xout a0

; brownian walk
instr 1
  imidi = p4
  a0 myvco 0.1, mtof:i(imidi)
  outs a0, a0
  idelta = round((rnd(4) - 1) * 2)/2
  idelta = idelta != 0 ? idelta : -0.5
  imidi2 = imidi + idelta
  imidi2 = imidi2 < 96 ? imidi2 : 48
  idurnext = round(rnd(0.25)*8) / 8
  atstop 1, 0, idurnext, imidi2

; ping-pong
instr 2
  imidi = p4
  imidi = imidi < 96 ? imidi : 48

  a0 myvco 0.1, mtof:i(imidi)
  a0 *= linsegr(0, 0.05, 1, 0.05, 0)
  outs a0, a0

  atstop 3, 0, p3*0.97, imidi + 1

instr 3
  imidi = p4
  imidi = imidi < 88 ? imidi : 48
  a0 oscili 0.8, mtof:i(imidi)
  a0 *= linsegr(0, 0.05, 1, 0.050, 0)
  outs a0, a0
  atstop 2, 0, p3*0.95, imidi + 1

; test calling a named instr at stop
instr 10
  a0 oscili 0.1, 440
  outs a0, a0
  atstop "foo", 0.5, 1, 1000

instr foo 
  ifreq = p4
  a0 oscili 0.1, ifreq
  outs a0, a0

; test simple case with optional pargs
instr first
  atstop "second", 1, -1, 0.5
  atstop "second", 0.5
  atstop 200

instr second
  prints ">>> second!  p4 =%f \n", p4

instr 200
  prints ">>>> 200!\n"

; test atstop with k args
instr _printCounter
  icounter = p4
  prints ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> counter: %d\n", icounter

instr kargs
  kcounter init 0
  kcounter += 1
  atstop "_printCounter", 0, -1, kcounter

instr StopPerformance

; i 1 0 0.25 36

; i 2 0 0.25 48

; i 10 0 1
; i "StopPerformance" 10 1
; i "first" 1 0.5
i "kargs" 0 1
f 0 5

See also


Eduardo Moguillansky, 2019