Band-enhanced oscillators implementing the sine+noise synthesis model
- beadsynt: Band-Enhanced Oscillator-Bank
- beosc: Band-Enhanced Oscillator
- getrowlin: opy a row from a 2D array or table, with interpolation between rows
- tabrowlin: Copy a row from an f-table to another, interpolating between rows
Implementation of a Chua oscillator
- chuap: Simulates Chua's oscillator
Miscellaneous plugins
- accum: Simple accumulator of scalar values
- atstop: Schedule an instrument at the end of the current instrument
- bisect: Returns the fractional index of a value within a sorted array / tab
- crackle: generates noise based on a chaotic equation
- deref: Dereference a previously created reference to a variable
- detectsilence: Detect when input falls below an amplitude threshold
- diode_ringmod: A ring modulator with optional non-linearities
- extendarray: Extend one array with the contents of a second array, in place
- fileexists: Returns 1 if a file exists and can be read
- findarray: Find an element in an array
- frac2int: Convert the fractional part of a number into an integer
- ftfill: create a table and fill it with values (like fillarray but for f-tables)
- ftfind: Find an element in a table
- ftnew: creates a new table of a given size
- ftsetparams: Set metadata parameters of a table, as if it was loaded via GEN1
- initerror: Throws an error message at init
- interp1d: Interpolate between elements of an array/table
- lfnoise: low frequency, band-limited noise
- linenv: A triggerable linear envelope with sustain segment
- loadnpy: Load an array (of any number of dimensions) saved as a .npy file
- memview: Create a view into a table or another array
- panstereo: Stereo signal balancer
- perlin3: gradient noise sound generator
- pread: Read pfield values from any active instrument instance
- pwrite: Modify pfield values of an active instrument instance
- ramptrig: A triggerable ramp between 0 and 1
- ref: Get a reference to a variable
- refvalid: Queries if a reference is valid
- schmitt: A schmitt trigger (a comparator with hysteresis).
- setslice: Set a slice of an array to a given value
- sigmdrive: Analog "soft clipping" distortion by applying non-linear transfer functions.
- standardchaos: Standard map chaotic generator
- throwerror: Throws an error message at performance or init
- uniqinstance: Return an fractional instrument number which is not in use
- zeroarray: Zero all elements in an array
- zerocrossing: Outputs a frequency based on the number of zero-crossings per second.
Read/Write signals and arrays to/from an hdf5 file
- hdf5read: Read signals and arrays from an hdf5 file.
- hdf5write: Write signals and arrays to an hdf5 file.
jsfx support for csound
- jsfx: Instantiates and runs a jsfx script
- jsfx_getslider: Gets a slider value of a jsfx instance
- jsfx_new: Instantiates a jsfx script
- jsfx_play: Processes audio through a jsfx script
- jsfx_setslider: Sets the slider values of a jsfx script
- tubeharmonics: A distortion with control for odd/even harmonics
A hashtable for csound
- dict_del: Remove a key:value pair from a hashtable
- dict_dump: Dumps the contents of this dict as a string
- dict_exists: Returns 1 if the dict exists, 0 otherwise
- dict_free: Free a hashtable
- dict_get: Get a value from a hashtable
- dict_geti: Get a string value from a hashtable at init time
- dict_iter: Iterate over the key-value pairs of a dict
- dict_loadstr: Creates and fills a new dict from a string definition
- dict_new: Create a hashtable
- dict_print: Prints the contents of a dict
- dict_query: Query different properties of a dict
- dict_set: Set a value from a hashtable
- dict_size: Returns the number of key:value pairs in a dict
- pool_at: Returns the item of a pool at a given index
- pool_capacity: Returns the capacity of a pool
- pool_gen: Create a pool and fill it with values
- pool_isfull: Returns 1 if the pool is full
- pool_new: Create an empty pool
- pool_pop: Pop (get) an item from a pool
- pool_push: Push an item into a pool
- pool_size: Returns the size of a pool
- sderef: Retrieves a read-only string from the cache
- sref: Insert a string into a global registry and return a reference to it
Cross-platform path handling and string opcodes
- findFileInPath: Find a file inside the search paths of the csound environment
- getEnvVar: Get the value of an environment variable
- pathAbsolute: Returns the absolute path of a file
- pathIsAbsolute: Returns 1 if the path of a file is absolute
- pathJoin: Join two parts of a path according to the current platform
- pathNative: Convert a path to its native version
- pathSplit: Split a path into directory and basename
- pathSplitExt: Split a path into prefix and extension
- pathSplitExtk: Split a path into prefix and extension at performance time
- pathSplitk: Split a path into directory and basename at perf-time
- scriptDir: Get the directory of the loaded orc/csd file
- strjoin: Concatenate any number of strings
- strsplit: Split a string at a given separator
- sysPlatform: Get a string description of the current system platform
Multiple (parallel or sequential) instances of an opcode
- defer: Run an opcode at the end of current event
- poly:
creates and controls multiple parallel version of an opcode - poly0:
creates and controls multiple parallel version of an opcode with no outputs - polyseq:
creates and controls multiple sequential version of an opcode
Opcodes to interact with an embedded python interpreter
- pyrun: Run a Python statement or block of statements
Opcodes to access risset package metadata
- risset: Get information from risset's package manager
opcodes using libsndfile
- filereadmeta: Read metadata from a soundfile
Host vst3 plugins in csound
- vst3audio: Sends audio to, and/or receives audio from, a VST3 plugin.
- vst3info: Prints information about the plugin
- vst3init: loads a VST3 plugin for use with the other vst3-opcodes
- vst3midi: Sends raw MIDI messages to a VST3 plugin.
- vst3note: Sends a single note with a specified duration to a VST3 plugin
- vst3paramget: Gets the current value of a single parameter from a VST3
- vst3paramset: Sets the current value of a single parameter in a VST3 plugin.
- vst3presetload: Loads a preset from a file
- vst3presetsave: Saves a plugin preset to a file.
- vst3tempo: Changes the tempo in a VST3 plugin.